


Kontaktmission is a networked mission movement empowering Christians worldwide to live their God-given callings, and sending them to build His church.



The beginning of Kontaktmission goes back to 1979. At that time the Siegenthaler couple began the work that God had shown them in the Waldviertel in Austria. More employees soon followed. Their vision extended to other countries in Europe and continued to develop.


Today Kontaktmission is active with over430 team members from 47 nations in 61 countries. These countries are urgently in need of the Gospel and new churches. In some of these countries, the percentage of Bible-believing Christians makes up less than 1% of the population.

Our History.

About us.

Our core values.

Everything for the King!

Jesus must be evident in everything we do – in attitude, thoughts, words, deeds. 

The whole world should hear the good news that Jesus is King. 

That’s the big WHY! That’s why we do all this. 

Are you called? What is He calling you to do?

We work with you to discover what it is, and how you can live it out. 

Jesus is our reason to exist on this planet. We are not here for ourselves. 

There is a perfect reason to do what we do. Because we follow Jesus. 

What inspires you?

God is creative. He created all things. God created us in his image. 

My creativity is definitely not mine. God’s creative nature should show itself in my creativity. It connects me with Jesus when I use my creativity for Him. God’s creativity is experienced most perfectly when we are serving Him with it.

The Holy Spirit is our inspiration. He gives us freedom to do things differently.  

What moves you?

We react, and we act, as the situation requires. We are adaptable and do different things in different places. We don’t work the same way in every country. 

We are intentionally flexible and work hard to think creatively. We make the most of what we have and what we expect with God’s help. 

We make plans. And then reality comes. This is why we often act purposeful and well-considered manner, and sometimes we react spontaneously with fresh responses to challenges and opportunities that arise. 

Who is standing with you?

We work with the Body of Christ, not just one denomination. 

We are not alone. We know we are part of a bigger picture. We need others! We continually learn from others.

God’s kingdom is not built through competition, but with cooperation, communication and perseverance. 

Leadership Team

Dieter Trefz
Mission Director, International Leadership Team
Martin Weese
Project manager, process development
Andreas Becker
Base Team Leader, Public Relations, OD International
Christian Ziegler
Human Ressources Manager

Base Team Wüstenrot

Michael Schimpf
Team leader finances
Lea Andexlinger
KM young, KM learning
Jürgen Arnold
Assistant to the Mission Director, Office
Susanne Arnold
Guest Hosting
Corinna Becker
Public Relations
Benjamin Brosi
Software Development
Dina D´Monte
Coworker Sending
Debora de Haan
shortterm assignements
Detlef Gerhard
Project Manager Church Ministries
Ute Giesecke
Health Insurance Booking
Harald Hämmerling
Assistant Public Relations
Stefanie Hinse
Accounting, Donations Management
Clarissa Klemm
Payroll Bookkeeping
Dagmar Krautter
shortterm assignements
Juliane Lux
Short-term team leader
Christoph Paetzold
System Administrator, IT
Carmen Pietsch
Project Manager Incoming
Tim Reinert
Public Relations, Social Media
Alexandra Schimpf
coworker care

Our Goals.


We send out Christians worldwide on the base of our core values to serve according to their callings, and we support sending initiatives.


We plant churches worldwide, initiating and accompanying church planting processes together with local believers.


We equip Christians for building up of the church of Jesus Christ, expanding the mission network with missionaries, churches and other agencies.

"You're looking for opportunities to live out your calling? It's our calling to help you with that. Just call us: +49 (0) 7945/3079600"
Dieter Trefz, Mission Director


Here you can find all the Missionaries of Kontaktmission. There are currently 433 missionaries in 62 countries. For a better overview, we have sorted them here by continents and countries. Please have a look and discover some new or familiar faces. If you don’t want to click through, but are looking for someone specifically, you can enter the name here.





Dem Rep Congo

Dres. Patrick & Tabea Bulambo-Riziki


Sifiso und Juliane Shabangu


Ute Olschowy


Victor & Svenja Akwaba

Ditte Thye


Christian & Ina Kopjar


Stefan & Daniela Frank

Jany & Yasmina Georgette


Abraham & Nadine Ankers

South Africa

Marvin & Veronika Petersen

South Sudan

Doka & Anne Hissen

Joseph & Brigitte Lokudu


Andrea Hellemann

Stefan & Dr. Katrin Scheuerl


Markus & Irene Hippe


Evelyn Driedger

Lea Eicker

Aaron & Marina Wagaba


Isabell Gäckle

Tobias & Carola Schempp




Aneri & Dali Giunashwili


Hartmuth & Bettina Hanisch

Rajat Kumar & Annegret Pani

Sanjeebito & Simone Pani


Hatim & Renate Jiryis


Vassilij & Nelli Slobodenuk


Gerhard & Lena Rehwald

Bakytzhan Serikbaev & Ainur Tadzikova


Markus & Andrea Steeb



Freeman & Natalie Broadwell

Sean & Laura Carney

Nertila File

Claus & Marie Hofmann

Urtan & Elsida Kollonata

Alban & Albina Nedelko


Werner & Ute Buser

Stefan & Alissa Buser

Kristina Hoffmann

Werner & Silke Willuweit

Christoph & Sophie Windler


Didier & Abigail Casanova

Gregory & Nicole Saldi

Wolfgang & Ruth Veil


Dambar & Babara Adhikari-Brühwiler

Daniel & Verena Alber

Lea Andexlinger

Jürgen & Susanne Arnold

Jonas Bär & Petra Kröner

Noel & Cynthia Barboza

Omar & Evelyn Barboza

Eduardo & Elsa Bardol

Andreas & Corinna Becker

Juliana Böttcher

Jared & Verena Bradley

Ovaldo & Margaret Braun

Benjamin & Tabea Brosi

Daniel & Rebecca Buller

Vasile & Birgit Chiciudean-Bubeck

Jared & Elisabeth Crabtree

John & Mirjam Curry

Daniel & Dina D´Monte

Alexander & Elisabeth Dalinger

Steffen & Elisabet De Coninck

Oebele & Debora de Haan

István & Júlia Elekes

Mary Ellis

Tobias & Melanie Erke

Michael & Anne Feuchter

Markus & Maria Fritz

Regina Frohms

Detlef & Frieda Gerhard

Ute Giesecke

Amgad & Wafaa Girgis

Pascal & Bea Grosjean

Harald & Beate Hämmerling

Stefanie Hinse

Alfred & Anneliese Hiss

Daniel & Rebekah Hodges

Samuel & Mirjam JeanRichard

Tomislav & Marietta Jerkovic

Clarissa Klemm

Tobias & Elizabeth Kley

Michael Koenig

Denis & Dagmar Krautter

Elisabeth Kübler

Simon & Deborah Kurfess

David & Anne Lenhart

Willi & Katharina Löwen

Annette Lutz

Juliane Lux

Carlos & Rocio Morales

Rogerio & Marlinda Moreira

Heinz & Lissette Noche

Christian & Sabine Oswald

Christoph & Isabel Paetzold

Rocco & Karoline Panepinto

Steffen & Jenny Pflugfelder

Norbert & Carmen Pietsch

Amir & Julianne Ranjbari

Tim Reinert

Khalaf & Amal Rezk

Josue Alanis Anaya & Debora Röhl

Lydia & Daniel Schaefer

Michael & Alexandra Schimpf

Artur & Irene Schmidt

Marc Schnekenburger & Laura Smith

Ina Schuette

Joy & Marion Selvathasan

Matthias & Birgit Stelzner

Samuel & Stefanie Stelzner

Pawel & Anna Step

Selina Streitenberger

Johann Teichrib

Inessa Tews

Sylke Thermer

Daniel Tober

Norman & Karen Tober

Dieter & Karin Trefz

Paul & Linda Triemer

Dadiva Truijllo

Dadiva Trujillo

Artur & Elina Urich

Matthias & Sabine Valenta

Luwai Vargo

Peter & Olga Vogel

Thomas & Sabine Walter

Scott & Leona Way

Martin & Jeanine Weese

Jonas & Fanny Widmann

Christian & Andrea Ziegler


Timotheos & Dorothea Antoniadis

Sarah Antoniadis

Georgios & Irina Papadopoulos

Artur & Helene Wittmann


Jürgen & Anna Thuswohl


Kevin & Angelina Mullins

Luke & Tiffany Swain

Nick & Jessica Tuttle

Stephen & Alisa Walton


Christian & Andrea Hartmann

Marco und Azaria Petrucci

Daniel Schulte


Vitalijs & Lydia Kotkovs


Ryan & Simona Fishel

Marian & Maria Kozak


Sebastian & Rebecca Schmitt


Winfried & Maria Kah


Raphael & Leonie Öttinger

Derrick & Mikaela Shipley


Stanislaw & Violetta Balcerowscy


Samuel & Christine Blutbacher

Eberhard & Elke Beck

Jonathan & Amelia Beck

Deborah Brueckner

Iolanda Burlancu

Luminita Cacareaza

Liviu & Florentina Duca

Nicu & Julia Gafencu

Margareta Gafencu

Friedemann & Anne-Kathrin Heienbrock

Stephen & Mihaela Jones

Jannis Kluf

Iosua & Julia Marin

Ciprian-Ovidiu & Irina Mittelstaedt

Mircea & Mariane Munteanu

Aniel & Ana-Maria Naste

Liviu & Damaris Oprescu-Klein

Kalep & Ashley Roberson

Marius & Simina Rosu

Stefan & Michaela Sailer

Corneliu & Irina Stefan

Daniel & Abigail Trumpp

Eduard & Iness-Claudia Wiebe


Natasha Kazimirova


Caleb & Kelly Bales


Thomas & Valentina Taul


Thomas & Astrid Herwing

Ivan Kriska

Ervin & Maria Mittelmann


Damjan & Nastasja Hocevar

Christoph & Cornelia Stein


Bianka Domajnko

Conrado & Dorothea Gómez Lorenzo

Stefanie Scherer


Sven & Sara Martens

Kornelius & Christina Novak


Christoph & Antonia Hägele


Alexej & Olena Salfetnikov

Rachel Anderson

Stanislav & Natalia Chernyayev

Achim & Gabriele Döbrich

Oleksandr & Natalia Dudka

Bohdan & Anika Khalus

Dajana Kober

Oleh & Iryna Kuzmich

Vlad & Natalia Mahovski

Mykola & Iryna Malyshko

Viktor & Inna Morokhovets

Ivan & Lyudmilla Ovcharenko

Svetlana Rabokon

Dmytro & Liubov Riabov

Leonid & Tatyana Serebryakov

Sergey & Lena Zakharchuk

Oleksandr & Tetyana Zyhalenko

North America


Rudolf & Xenia Hanemann

Matthias & Tina Suckau


Michael & Kayla Badger

Jeremy & Amanda Blankenship

Clay & Christie Elliott

Vincent Flaming

Jonathan & Jennifer Gainer

John & Debbie Harper

Rob & Carla Harris

Dave Melin

Georg & Martha Ort

Brett & Heather Seybold

Steve & Joan Tinsley

Keith & Sonya Wilkins

South America


Rudolf & Maria Band


Noah & Sabrina Federolf

Antonio & Eva Lopes de Andrade

Sergio & Melodie Patzer


Armando & Martina Ferreira Dols


Sinisa & Jennifer Dimovic

Stephan & Christiane Gyger

Paul & Adeline Klause

Michael & Nancy Knöpfel

Tobias & Felicitas Lang

Walter & Gabriele Pelegrina


Eva Ruttinger

Sabine Teichert

Jair & Alexandra Kopp de Uriarte


Merve Doorentz-Hundsdörffer

Werner & Olga Epp






Here you can find projects by our co-workers. This is a space where we want to give you the opportunity to get to know them. Take a look around and get inspired. Of course, we would also be delighted if you choose to support our co-workers—whether practically, financially, or through prayer.

As a truly networked mission movement, we work alongside many organizations in order to help them fulfill their callings. Here is a selection of some of them.

Our Partners.

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