Kontaktmission is a networked mission movement empowering Christians worldwide to live their God-given callings, and sending them to build His church.
The beginning of Kontaktmission goes back to 1979. At that time the Siegenthaler couple began the work that God had shown them in the Waldviertel in Austria. More employees soon followed. Their vision extended to other countries in Europe and continued to develop.
Today Kontaktmission is active with over430 team members from 47 nations in 61 countries. These countries are urgently in need of the Gospel and new churches. In some of these countries, the percentage of Bible-believing Christians makes up less than 1% of the population.
Our History.

About us.
Our core values.
Leadership Team
Base Team Wüstenrot
Our Goals.
We send out Christians worldwide on the base of our core values to serve according to their callings, and we support sending initiatives.
We plant churches worldwide, initiating and accompanying church planting processes together with local believers.
We equip Christians for building up of the church of Jesus Christ, expanding the mission network with missionaries, churches and other agencies.
Here you can find all the Missionaries of Kontaktmission. There are currently 433 missionaries in 62 countries. For a better overview, we have sorted them here by continents and countries. Please have a look and discover some new or familiar faces. If you don’t want to click through, but are looking for someone specifically, you can enter the name here.
Thomas & Dany Hodzi
Gerhard & Lena Rehwald
Bakytzhan Serikbaev & Ainur Tadzikova
Dambar & Babara Adhikari-Brühwiler
Daniel & Verena Alber
Lea Andexlinger
Jürgen & Susanne Arnold
Jonas Bär & Petra Kröner
Noel & Cynthia Barboza
Omar & Evelyn Barboza
Eduardo & Elsa Bardol
Andreas & Corinna Becker
Juliana Böttcher
Jared & Verena Bradley
Ovaldo & Margaret Braun
Benjamin & Tabea Brosi
Daniel & Rebecca Buller
Vasile & Birgit Chiciudean-Bubeck
Jared & Elisabeth Crabtree
John & Mirjam Curry
Daniel & Dina D´Monte
Alexander & Elisabeth Dalinger
Steffen & Elisabet De Coninck
Oebele & Debora de Haan
István & Júlia Elekes
Mary Ellis
Tobias & Melanie Erke
Michael & Anne Feuchter
Markus & Maria Fritz
Regina Frohms
Detlef & Frieda Gerhard
Ute Giesecke
Amgad & Wafaa Girgis
Pascal & Bea Grosjean
Harald & Beate Hämmerling
Stefanie Hinse
Alfred & Anneliese Hiss
Daniel & Rebekah Hodges
Samuel & Mirjam JeanRichard
Tomislav & Marietta Jerkovic
Clarissa Klemm
Tobias & Elizabeth Kley
Michael Koenig
Denis & Dagmar Krautter
Rafael & Elisabeth Kübler
Simon & Deborah Kurfess
David & Anne Lenhart
Willi & Katharina Löwen
Annette Lutz
Juliane Lux
Carlos & Rocio Morales
Rogerio & Marlinda Moreira
Heinz & Lissette Noche
Christian & Sabine Oswald
Christoph & Isabel Paetzold
Rocco & Karoline Panepinto
Steffen & Jenny Pflugfelder
Norbert & Carmen Pietsch
Amir & Julianne Ranjbari
Tim Reinert
Khalaf & Amal Rezk
Josue Alanis Anaya & Debora Röhl
Daniel & Lydia Schaefer
Michael & Alexandra Schimpf
Artur & Irene Schmidt
Marc Schnekenburger & Laura Smith
Ina Schuette
Joy & Marion Selvathasan
Matthias & Birgit Stelzner
Samuel & Stefanie Stelzner
Pawel & Anna Step
Selina Streitenberger
Johann Teichrib
Inessa Tews
Sylke Thermer
Daniel Tober
Norman & Karen Tober
Dieter & Karin Trefz
Paul & Linda Triemer
Dadiva Truijllo
Dadiva Trujillo
Artur & Elina Urich
Matthias & Sabine Valenta
Peter & Olga Vogel
Thomas & Sabine Walter
Scott & Leona Way
Martin & Jeanine Weese
Jonas & Fanny Widmann
Christian & Andrea Ziegler
Eberhard & Elke Beck
Jonathan & Amelia Beck
Samuel & Christine Blutbacher
Deborah Brueckner
Iolanda Burlancu
Luminita Cacareaza
Liviu & Florentina Duca
Nicu & Julia Gafencu
Margareta Gafencu
Friedemann & Anne-Kathrin Heienbrock
Stephen & Mihaela Jones
Jannis Kluf
Iosua & Julia Marin
Ciprian-Ovidiu & Irina Mittelstaedt
Mircea & Mariane Munteanu
Aniel & Ana-Maria Naste
Liviu & Damaris Oprescu-Klein
Kalep & Ashley Roberson
Marius & Simina Rosu
Stefan & Michaela Sailer
Corneliu & Irina Stefan
Daniel & Abigail Trumpp
Eduard & Iness-Claudia Wiebe
Natasha Kazimirova
Rachel Anderson
Stanislav & Natalia Chernyayev
Achim & Gabriele Döbrich
Oleksandr & Natalia Dudka
Bohdan & Anika Khalus
Dajana Kober
Oleh & Iryna Kuzmich
Vlad & Natalia Mahovski
Mykola & Iryna Malyshko
Viktor & Inna Morokhovets
Ivan & Lyudmilla Ovcharenko
Svetlana Rabokon
Dmytro & Liubov Riabov
Alexej & Olena Salfetnikov
Leonid & Tatyana Serebryakov
Sergey & Lena Zakharchuk
Oleksandr & Tetyana Zyhalenko
North America
Michael & Kayla Badger
Jeremy & Amanda Blankenship
Clay & Christie Elliott
Vincent Flaming
Jonathan & Jennifer Gainer
John & Debbie Harper
Rob & Carla Harris
Dave Melin
Brett & Heather Seybold
Steve & Joan Tinsley
Keith & Sonya Wilkins
South America
Noah & Sabrina Federolf
Antonio & Eva Lopes de Andrade
Sergio & Melodie Patzer
Here you can find projects by our co-workers. This is a space where we want to give you the opportunity to get to know them. Take a look around and get inspired. Of course, we would also be delighted if you choose to support our co-workers—whether practically, financially, or through prayer.
As a truly networked mission movement, we work alongside many organizations in order to help them fulfill their callings. Here is a selection of some of them.